Best music apps for Android users

How to add music in VN Mod APK

Whether it’s a short film, a vlog, or anything else, you can take your video to the next level by adding the perfect soundtrack. The cool music and background sounds in VN Mod APK catch people’s attention. It’s a fantastic app for making awesome videos with special music features.

Spice Up Your Videos

Whether you’re making a short film, vlog, or anything else, adding the perfect music can make your video better. The great sound effects and backgrounds also grab the viewers’ interest. VN Mod APK helps you create amazing videos by adding magic to music. In this extensive guide, we will focus on the art of adding music to your creation step by step using the VN Mod APK.

Best music apps for Android users

Add music to VN Editor Mod APK

Here is the step-by-step guide to adding music to VN Mod APK. Let’s read on.

Launch the VN app

Start by opening VN Mod APK. Make sure your device has the newest version. You can also download the latest VN app from our website. After launching the VN Mod APK, open it on your Android or PC.

Import the video

Import a video into VN Mod APK before adding captivating sound effects. Tap the plus sign to begin a new project. Pick a video from your gallery. Then click “Next” and wait for a while, it will take a few seconds before it appears in the timeline.

Select the music

After you put the video in the timeline, the next thing is to add the music. Look for the “Music” button in the VN Mod APK interface. Tap to open the music on your device or computer. Choose the right music.  Make sure it fits you and matches your video’s theme. The VN app has many songs in different styles in its music library. It includes different types of music like fast or slow, happy or sad, and old classics. 

The good news is, that you can use these songs without any permission concerns. VN Mod APK supports different file types like MP3, M4A, WAV, and WMA, allowing you to use songs from your collection.

Change the length of the songs

If the sound is too long, make it the same length as the video. You can use different tools in the editor to cut and adjust it.

If the sound is too long, make it the same length as the video. You can use different tools in the editor to cut and adjust it.

Also, organize your music by dragging and dropping. Select the songs on the audio timeline, and match them to the video. Make sure the music starts and plays correctly where you want it in your video.

Separate the music carefully

Use volume control to ensure the music matches the video well and isn’t too loud. The fantastic editing app VN Mod APK also lets you add some cool modification effects. You have the option to add fade-in or fade-out effects at the beginning or end of the music track to make the video more interesting.

 Preview & Save

When you’re done, watch your video and check the audio balance. Now you can save your file in the format and quality of your choice, ready to share on your social media platform or with friends.


With the VN Mod APK app, you can combine music and images to create awesome videos. All in all, the process of adding music to the VN Editor is relatively simple. In this detailed guide, we have covered the straightforward steps. 

You can now make your creations more awesome with music. If you have any questions, just ask in the comments; we’ll help you quickly.

Frequently Asked Questions

You cannot use Spotify music directly in the VN Mod APK. Normally, VN Editor works with music files stored or downloaded on your device. To use music from Spotify, you need to download and save the music to your device before installing the VN Video Editor Mod APK.

Yes, you can use VN creations on social media platforms like Instagram Reels, TikTok, YouTube, or any other platform without any problems.

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